Dip arrived; dipped, varnished, and grassed, and they are done!
Obviously it is a pair of Perry figures, each with a very minor conversion. The Greenjacket has been given a bare officers head and his normal head was removed from the shako, which was then hollowed out and carefully inserted into his hand (which lost some fingers in the process to form the clenched fist look.
The Sergeant is a standard guy with a head swap from a Wargames Factory set of Danes I got at Fall In. I wanted to make him the grumpy veteran Irish sergeant, so went with a bit of rosacea from all the Irish spirits!
Anyway... any suggestions, comments, critiques, or even "Good jobs!" you want to share, please do!:)
Huzzah! Long Live the Queen!
Lord Ashram,
I saw these TMP and just wanted to repeat my compliments. Sweet work, I'm going to steal your idea of head swapping.
Lord Ashram,
What rule system, if any, are you planning to use?
I've played Sharpes Practice and it's quite fun. Four or five hours of toy army man pushing goodness seem to go by in the flash of eye.
I've only read the Black Powder rules but they seem terrific as well.
Paint more.
Nice work, Lord A. Excellent idea with the head swap.
Best wishes
looks great
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