Back To Toy Soldiers... FINALLY!!
Hello all!
Good LORD it has been a LOOONNNNGGG time! I am so sorry that I've allowed The House of War to gather a bit of dust... work, and a few computer game projects, have taken up a LOT of time!
However, finally, it is back to toy soldiering. I've got a few painting projects to catch up on (including one in which I will embarrass myself into finishing a project by showing you all some toys that have sat, half painted, for almost a year) some new purchases to talk about, an upcoming 28mm ACW game to post photos of, and a hobby shop that is closing after 20+ years to discuss!
So! Stick around, and in the next day or two I'll start in on my upcoming painting projects!
Thanks for your patience, everyone!!
Very interested in the 28 ACW stuff ... I'm hoping to get yea old gaming group moving in that direction by next spring :)
nice to have you back waited a long time
Hurrah, it's alive !!!!!!!!
Good to have you have back Lord !
Sorry to hear about the hobby shop closing down .... never a fun thing to see.
20 plus years? Dude try 45+. I still cant believe its closing, another victim of intenet shopping and big box stores :(
Hey all!
Thanks for sticking around... sorry I've been out of action!
And yeah, apparently the place opened in 1954... but I'll post more later.
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