First Nappy Brit Painted...
Whelp, I got paint on my first EVER 28mm Napoleonic Brit! This tough sergeant is painted fairly basically, at the moment... I will be dipping him, which will make a WORLD of difference! Please note the reddish nose and cheeks; clearly an Irish chap! I have to say, I think he looks very, very cool.
I also put a coat of matte over my 28mm Confederates, so really I've almost finished my first ever 28mm Rebs too... a day of firsts! I do think they turned out nicely, although the dip did coagulate a bit on one pants leg... still, they look fine:)
Very question though. I was thinking about dipping my Sash and Saber figures. Thought the dip was a bit expensive. Couldn't you do the same with a brown/black wash?
Remove the moustache, and he could make a very good Sergeant Obadiah Hakeswill from Sharpe.
Hmmmm... indeed he would. Indeed he would:)
I want to play a good "Sharpes" game more than I can say!:D
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