Well, as promised, here is Part 3 of "Lord Ashram's House of War Fall In 2009 Coverage!"
In my first two posts on the subject, I posted some photos from some random games I saw, and some photos from some games I actually played in.
This year, I also hosted a game! It was a 10mm Napoleonic battle, using the same figures and terrain that you've seen on this blog. I used my newest rule set, Brigades and Bearskins, that seemed to go over well... you can download it at the above link. I definitely learned a bit about the rules... they generally went over rather well, as everyone felt they were very simple and, indeed, a few folks said they were the most fun rule set they had played over the weekend, thanks in no small part to the lack of seventeen thousand charts! There are some tweaks I need to make, however... I'll get to them soon:)
It was a good time! We had six players all together; two gents who wandered by and joined, a family of three that played, and myself. And while the beginning was very slow (it is hard to explain rules when A) you are SO familiar with them and B) you've had a few drinks) it did pick up quickly!
Anyway... on to some photos!
First up is a shot of the French left flank... in the center you can see the main French advance on the chateau, and to the right of that the mass French attack on the ridge... a ridge the British were also making a bee-line to!
Unfortunately this is where we ended, as folks got tired... learning a new system is pretty draining! On the plus side, we played for almost five hours! The folks who played I think had a very nice time... one kind gent (the commander of the doomed French left flank) actually said it was the most fun he had had in a game all weekend, and his wife even enjoyed herself immensely! While tiring, it was a lot of fun, and I'd love to have another shot at a game now that everyone knows the rules!
Oh, by the way... if any of the players read this, I'd love to hear from you, and please, if ANYONE happened to have taken a photo of the game I'd love to get a copy... I was so busy trying to keep it going that I barely took any photos!
My wife, son and myself played the game at fall-in. It was a very enjoyable game to play. Most fun I had in the games I played. You should run it again at Fall-in and Historicon if possible.
Bob Hark
Hey Bob!
I am so happy you played, and that you found your way to the blog too!:) It warms the cockles of my heart to hear you all had a good time, and I SOOO appreciated you sticking with me through all the explaining and stuff... learning a new rule system can be so, so difficult. We may have made a few mistakes, but still, I am glad you had fun. Please thank the whole family for playing!:D
I am not sure if I am attending any more Cons, but if I do, I'll certainly post about it here... the most likely is Historicon, since it is over the summer, but who knows!
Take care, and again, thanks for playing!
Looked like a great game, and as allways the terrain looks perfect.
By the way you owe me lots of money, after looking at the pics of the AWI battle, I'm now going to buy 40mm figs and terrain for it. I feel you should pay atleast half of it as you posted the pics that got me to take the step.
Also were did the guys running the AWI game get their terrain?
How are the "Tweaks" coming on B&Bv2?
Honestly I have not had a chance to work on them yet... however, I will this week!:D
Sorry for no response for a while!
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