Friday, March 24, 2017

New shelves, and a bit of rearranging...

Hey all!

Well, I added another shelf to each of my cabinets, at the bottom, where there was room, and then I moved some stuff around... so I thought I would take a few snaps!

Above is cabinet one... the 25mm French Napoleonic army, with the "Retreat from Moscow" (WIP) project in there too, so you can really appreciate how it is really just a smaller size of the normal army.

Cabinet #2... from top to bottom... Space Wolf Terminators, Zombie Survivors, some X-Wing stuff, a Warhammer Empire General, and Al Swearengen in the Gem Saloon.  Shelf two, my 15mm WWII Germans.  Shelf three, some 25mm ACW, the Fellowship of the Ring, and an OLD school army banner from when I was 12.  Shelf four is the Old Guard, and five is a ton of modern 15mm ACW.  Shelf six is my Bloodbowl team (WIP) and finally, on the bottom shelf, is a portion of my 10mm Napoleonic French Cavalry.

Next cabinet!  Top shelf is Star Wars Armada stuff.  Shelf two is more of my modern 15mm ACW.  Shelf three is my 15mm Moderns (although most of them aren't out on the shelf yet!)  Shelf four is more Star Wars Armada.  Shelf five is a huge amount of 10mm Napoleonic British.  Shelf six is my customized 15mm ACW Longstreet army.  And the last shelf?  Some of my vast old-school 15mm ACW collection from when I was little.

And finally, last cabinet... Top shelf, Star Wars Armada.  Shelf two, ships for my naval game.  Shelf three, 25mm Napoleonic Austrians and a few random British.  Then, the rest of the shelves are my 25mm Napoleonic Russians!

So, that is the new layout!  If anyone wants any close ups, just let me know!:)

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