Monday, December 13, 2010

Potter display base nearing completion...

Here is a shot... the fireplace is in now, although not hooked up in the back... you can just see a few of the wires sticking out on the left-hand side of the shot... the view through the window is a touch surreal at the moment because of the way the flash lit it up, but it looks pretty neat... all things considered, it is looking pretty sharp so far... the only major piece missing is The Marauders Map, which I forgot to put in this shot... but otherwise, it is all there, albeit not all together in the right way quite yet...

Any thoughts on the paintings?  There will be one more portrait/painting of a person, but otherwise they are all there... it will be similar in style to the fellow perched on the desk... what do folks think?  Maybe between the oval portrait of the fat lady and Dumbledore?  Thoughts?  What about the Sorting Hat?  The spot over the fire okay?  Or should I maybe put the Marauders Map there, and the hat on the low shelf under the fat lady?  Or would it get lost there behind figures?  Ahhh so many thoughts... I would love some advice from you all!


David Larkins said...

"Maybe between the oval portrait of the fat lady and Dumbledore?"

I think that's a good idea. More paintings, the better!

And I quite like the Sorting Hat on the fireplace mantel--like you say, the brown of the hat would blend in too much with the shelves.

Can't wait to see the finished product!

On a semi-related note, as a supplementary gift you might consider burning a DVD of A Very Potter Musical (you can find an ISO image via torrents)--the missus and I have been very much enjoying it (and its sequel). Of course, if you do that you might have to come back and add The Scarf of Sexual Preference to go with the Sorting Hat...

Subedai said...

My thoughts would be:- Dumbledore above bureau, landscape over fireplace and the Fat Lady flanked by the two portraits, both looking at her on the back wall.