But for now, here are some shots for folks to check out! At the top is Harry, obviously reacting to a baddy and whipping out his wand to fire. Hermione is to the left... she will be reading a book, and have over her shoulder her little pack of books, scrolls, and the like. Ron is to the right; he is currently missing his back arm, in which he'll be holding a broom.
As for other parts of the project... a SUPER kind gent from Finland actually offered to mail over to me an owl that he has left over from a Warhammer kit... SUCH a kind offer! That guy will get a coat of white paint and be made into Hedwig the owl. I am currently thinking of a way to "pay it forward," and keep coming back to three or four Perry French Napoleonic Sappeurs I have lying around that I'll never use... maybe someone out there can us them? Also, after getting a recommendation from Steve The Wargamer I found a FANTASTIC LED set that makes a "flickering fire" effect, so the fireplace will have an actual fire in it! Exciting stuff:) Oh, and I gave the walls and fireplace a nice wash of Dip, and HOLY cow they look FANTASTIC... AMAZING what a difference it made... they just look so dark and realistic now. I am very pleased with it.
Anyway, more info as stuff gets done... thanks for coming by!
Lord Ashram,
Please reproduce these in lead and sell them to me.
I am afraid to report they are not for production or sale... I am sorry!:)
I do hope you enjoy them though! Oh, and I very much approve of your user name:)
I hope I am leaving this comment in the best place! I just spent an enjoyable half hour with my jaw open looking at your terrain table painted figs and your WAR ROOM.
I am stunned. Also the steak was great looking too : )
Keep up the good work I will be sure to stop by again! If you still looking to offload your sappeurs I would be very pleased t take them off your hands I have been looking for one or two historic figs to paint as a change from Space Marines for some time now.
Anyhow hope that didnt come across as on the nose!
Andrew - NZ
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