Friday, February 17, 2017

The Workbench

Hey all!

Well, I've got a few things near completion on the bench at the moment...

First, two stands of skirmishers for my Perry "Retreat from Moscow" army.  Basecoats are done, and washed... now comes the highlights and maybe a few extreme highlights, then based, then done!  Looking forward to it... this addition makes the army really feel like it is coming along in terms of variety of units.  With these two stands, it starts to look like an army.  Next up?  Hm, I suppose I need to do another unit of line infantry.  Then one more skirmisher stand, and I think I am done!  Well... until I do my Napoleon in his sled;)

Next up will be two Blood Bowl guys, both potential Star players, for my Talagaad team.  All they need is grass on their stands and one or two other touches.

Thanks for coming by and taking a look!