Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Would anyone like to get me to do a Sharpe project for them?

Hey all!

Okay, I've always wanted to try a commission, but never really found the client or the subject that I've wanted to spend time on.

But I've recently been reading the Sharpe books again, and realized… I'd like to do a commission based on them!

Is there anyone out there who is interested in commissioning a Sharpe collection from me? I'm thinking something inspired by the books… Maybe Sharpe and his mates and a few generic rifles, maybe a few partisans (and of course Teresa) and then maybe some bad guys, including a selection of the most famous ones?


Francisco Erize said...

mmm... interesting... what would the boundary conditions be ? Pricing, number of figures..

Where should I email you... my email is seldonmba at hotmail dot com


Author said...

I don't know!:). I'm thinking twenty or so figures, maybe a little more, maybe a little less, depending on what we settle on:). As for price, I have no idea... I doubt I'll charge a lot, lemme look at what people charge, although I doubt I would charge as much as some places might.

Here, shoot me an email... Gpa AT alumni dot Duke dot edu, and we can discuss!:)

C. L. Decker said...

I have the lads and Harper along with Sharpe but no other characters/villians so I'd be very interested

Author said...


Unfortunately the fellow above jumped in first, so I am taking that one on... but listen, lemme see how it goes, and if it turns out nicely I'll email you, that doable? What's your addy?
