Wednesday, August 17, 2016

A new 28mm Sergeant Harper

Hey all!

Well, some bad news... as I was working on the "extended size" Harper he broke.  Like, in three places.

So I ditched him (after taking the Volley Gun off his back) and started anew!

This is the NEW Harper... fairly standard figure, but I added a bit... some sgt stripes (although I redid those after I took this photo), a new head (with some hair sticking out around it) and a sash (added after I took this photo.  I also put a French pack on his back. I made him stepping over a rock to add a bit of height... I'll do the same with Richard Sharpe himself, and maybe Teresa... we'll see.

I put some undercoat on him, and will get him painted up!  I like the animation in this figure a LOT more than the other, even if he isn't bigger:)

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