Sold to a good home, thanks!
250 bucks for the collection!
Hey all!

Well... with the baby here, and money always needed, I thought I'd delve into my storage closet and send some of my soldiers off to homes where they will get more chances to fight for glory!
So! With that said... I am selling off some 15mm ACW figures, fully painted and ready to go!

This was a small collection I put together to help aim my overall collection play Western theatre games, but honestly you could use them for anything. The Rebs are a bit more ragged and varied, and the Federals feature a lot of Hardee hats and the like. And of course slouch hats abound! There is a single unit of zouaves (14th NY); even though they did not serve out west, I really loved the miniatures and wanted to paint them up!
Here are the totals:
6 units of 5 stands
2 units of 4 stands
A total of 38 stands of 152 painted figures. Two of the units (one 5 stand one 4) don't have flags, as they were originally the second half of a larger unit.
6 units of 5 stands
A total of 30 stands of 120 painted figures. Again, a couple don't have flags as they were intended as second parts of an original unit.

Everything is as it appears in the photo, except for ONE point; looking at these guys now I realize I didn't black out the edges of every stand! So I'll do that... they've got to look uniform!:)
It kills me to sell these guys, as they are great wargames figures and honestly are a real historical set for me, personally. However, babies are expensive.
So! I hope these guys will go to a good home!

I figure 20 bucks a unit is a pretty good price, so these guys are yours for 280 bucks, plus whatever shipping is.
Not bad for a lovely little wargames collection to get you started, or to expand what you have!
Any questions? Just let me know!
My email is grenadierguardscampaigns AT
Thanks all!