Tuesday, April 30, 2013
My Imperial X-Wing force!
Hi all!
Well, I finally got around to snapping some photos of my Imperial force for X-Wing!
It consists of six TIE Fighters, three TIE Interceptors, and two TIE Advanceds. I figure that should be all I need for a while:) I did go through after I got the TIE Interceptors, which have a blue hue, and did a little paint work, so that all the ships would match. Pretty simple; just did a blue-grey wash on all the ships.
Here is my first set of TIE Fighters. I did a little work with paint on one, so it can represent any special character TIE Fighter I might purchase. I find it is easier when the special guys stand out.
Here is my second wing of TIE Fighters.
Here are my three Interceptors. As with the first set of TIEs, I did the red stripes on one of the Interceptors, so if I buy a named pilot that ship can easily represent him.
And finally, here are my two Advanceds. I run one almost always as Vader; I haven't run both in one game yet!
So... there is my Imperial force!
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Your favorite wargame unit?
Hi all!
So, I was recently skimming through blogs, and looking at some of the FANTASTIC wargames units out there, and it got me thinking... of all the wargames units I can remember seeing, which is my favorite?
Tough, right? I mean, I have a few that I adore... I mean, I love the siege guns over at Echoes of Glory...
And I adore Der Alte Fritz's artillery...
But my favorite wargames unit of all time? I think it is Dave Taylor's Cameron Highlanders!
Just check out the rearing horse with the commander urging his men on! Beautiful paint, beautiful scene... and, I think, my favorite wargames unit!
So, I wanted to ask; what is YOUR favorite (not your own) wargames unit?
Post them in the comments; I'll do a whole post of the favorites so we can all feast on some eye candy!:)
Base for second Battlefield 3 scene undercoated
Hi all!
Well, the basics are done for my second Battlefield 3 scene. This one is made to look like Seine Crossing. I've still got a few bits to do, but for now, here it is!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
A simple house rule for X-Wing
Okay... was thinking a bit about how to add a bit more strategy to movement... right now it seems like it is a "run at the enemy, pass him, K turn" rinse and repeat.
So... here is my proposal.
First, all regular fighters have four "sides"; their front fire arc (as already defined) a rear arc (the reverse of the front fire arc) and two side arcs. You'd have to maybe draw the rear arc onto the card.
Then add this rule:
If you are attacking an enemy ship in its side arc, you may reroll one attack die.
If you are attacking an enemy ship in its rear arc, you may reroll one attack die AND you may force the enemy to reroll one agility die.
I have to sit and look at the ships to figure out how you determine exactly if you are in an arc, but I think a post-to-post line should help determine which fire arc you are in.
My hope is that this might make people more interested in things like attacking from the flank and even getting behind enemies.
I am not sure if it would work with the big ships, as they are rather large and I don't have any to look at.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
My 2nd comic-style X-Wing report

Hi all!
Well, my next X-Wing battle report is done, so come give it a look!
For those interested in the numbers... Empire was Vader w/Squad Leader, a Tempest Advanced with Concussion Missiles, Night Beast, and two Black Squadron TIE fighters.
I don't remember the exact Rebel breakdown, but I think it was Luke with R2D2 and Marksmanship, Arvel, a Rookie X-Wing pilot with R5-D8, and a Gold Squadron Y-wing.
We used my home rules for asteroids; they move 1 straight each turn in a random direction. It ended up being REALLY really cool; I've never played a wargame on a battlefield that changed! When holes opened in the asteroid belt the fighters would dive for it... or if asteroids clumped together ships would take cover behind them. The belt actually split over the course of the game, with a clump of three right in the middle of the action and then the rest moving off board to the side.
Anyway... on to the show! And listen, I turned on lightbox so you can click on one photo and just cycle through each page, but it doesn't always work... so if it doesn't, just hit back and hit the photo again!:) But if you want to see them full size to check the ships out, click on the page to see it on it's own!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
My complete X-Wing Rebel fleet!
Hey all!
Okay, my two X-Wing fleets are complete!
I also picked up two A-Wings. Got to see one in action last night... WOW, what a collection of green moves! Very nimble and cool little ship, with some neat abilities. It is rather fragile, though, especially compared to its mates... two shields and only two hull get worn out QUICK, and without a mech to repair damage or shields, they are rather vulnerable. I did a little paint work on these guys as well, to vary them up a bit.
So that is my force! I think they are a really nice mix of abilities and styles, and enough for any Rebel player to make a force from.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
First Battlefield 3 scene done!
Hey all!
Well, that's the first Battlefield 3 scene done!
This one is of a buddy of mine (I photoshopped the nameplate, just to maintain his XBOX Live anonymity... stupid, right?) who plays sometimes in the Scout class. He is awful good on Operation Metro, which is an up close and personal map that is centered on a train station. I included a number of touches from the game, including obviously a pretty close replication of the station colors and decorations, an ammo box in the corner, and even some rubble and a bottle along the wall!
Overall I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I am actually redoing the sign, as it bled a little, but otherwise it is good to go!
Now I have to start the next one... which scares me, as it might be a bit tougher.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Never mind!
Hey all!
Well, I ordered three, and they'll be here in a few days, and that's all I've got to say about that:)
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Battlefield 3 miniatures scene 1 almost done!
Hi all!
Well, my BF3 miniature scenes are well underway!
Overall it looks GREAT... might not look as good in the photo as it does in person, but... and some varnish will work wonders!
Starting the figure for it today!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
My next big miniatures project; Battlefield 3!
Edit: sorry this post isnt finished... I'll take care of that on Sunday!
Hi all!
Well... my next project is underway!
In addition to playing around with toy soldiers, I play Battlefield 3. A LOT of Battlefield 3. It is a FANTASTIC game... the best multiplayer game I've seen.
I usually play with two guys exclusively; a buddy named Bill (a friend of my college roommate) and a guy named Highlife, who I only know through Battlefield. The three of us have been playing pretty much twice a week for... jeez... years, I guess:)
So... when I saw Hasslefree Miniatures "not-Battlefield" figures I figured... time to do something cool for my Battlefield Friends!
I picked up a pair of figures to represent them. Bill plays Engineer a lot, and Highlife is a pretty capable Sniper when he wants to be, so I grabbed one of each. Each will be painted and put into a small scene. I decided to go with a bit from each guy's favorite map... Bill loves Seine Crossing, so I will do something from that, and Highlife is a big Metro fan, so Metro it is!
I did end up doing a location scout... Metro is pretty easy, as I know I wanted to do something down near the tracks. Here are some photos I took of that area.
And here is a shot of what I think the whole scene will look like, roughly. I'll do a med kit and a ammo kit too; one in each scene. They are pretty common, so they will link the scene to the game easily.
The next scene is a bit tougher for me. It is Seine Crossing, and ideally for Bill I'd do a machine gunner in a window, as that is his traditional role:) But there was no appropriate figure, so he will be an engineer running around!
The thing is... with Metro you can do the subway station
And here is a shot of the in-game model for the Scout class... I might do a little greenstuff work on him, just to match it up.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
John Williams music: come vote in the bracket!
Hey all!
Well, as everyone knows... John Williams is the greatest movie composer of all time.
So... I put together a March-Madness-Style bracket to figure out which is his BEST song of all!
So please... come vote! Each round lasts a day, so come back over the next five or so and vote!
Here is the link!
Made my first satellite for X-Wing
Hi all!
Well, I wanted to cobble together a few satellites... so here is my first! Made of a welding piece, some balsa, some card, and some plascard. Stuck a toothpick in the base and in the bottom of the satellite. Some paint, a wash, and voila! I think it looks pretty good and it nicely matches the rest of the collection. I still have to varnish it, and I might rewash the solar panels after that, so they have a little bit of a sheen, but who knows.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
X-Wing ships touched up with some paint
Hi all!
Well, after seeing some of the impressive results people have gotten online, and wanting to customize my rebel ships a bit, I went after them with a bit of paint. Put some yellow on, worked on the astromechs a bit, and a good bit of washing. I also did some random plates on the Y-Wing, although it is a touch out of focus and I am too lazy to stand up and walk to the other side of the room to retake a shot:) I think they turned out pretty good, overall.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Making asteroids for X-Wing
Hello, all!
Well, after my first game of X-Wing, which featured a single proof-of-concept sort of asteroid (that was actually made by mistake) I thought I should get going on some real asteroids!
It doesn't hurt that they are cheap; it was maybe four bucks at Home Depot for these fellows!
You can see them here drying next to a TIE Fighter (who is clearly just waiting to get smashed to bits!)
Finally I put some numbers around the base, as I intend to have the asteroids move as I play... each one moves in a direction at speed one. I plan on making a few other man-made objects (satellites and the rest) that will behave the same way... they'll just move at speed two or three instead.
So... that's it! Asteroids done! I might make two more, but for now I am in good shape.
Next up? Well, I think I'll do a couple of planets, made out of large foam spheres. Sure, they won't be to scale, but that isn't the point... they are meant to be visual and to get in the way. I will also do a few man-made obstacles, like floating space garbage and satellites and the like... I'll put them on stands like the asteroids, but rather than them moving distance 1 they'll move distance 2.
Thanks for coming by!
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