Whelp, I've finally finished typing up version 1 of my grand scale rules for Napoleonic wargaming!
Here it is!
Brigades and Bearskins - Napoleonic Rules for Small Scale Miniatures!
Now, much like Muskets and Moustaches, the system is supposed to be rather simple. However, I feel like the orders mechanism, combined with the Steady! mechanism, makes the game VERY simple to play and yet quite effective at conveying a sense of scale appropriate for Napoleonic conflict! To be frank, I think they are the most fun rules I've come up with yet! Skirmishers that degrade enemy morale before the fight even begins, horse artillery that can gallop right up and begin firing, aggressive officers who push forward in spite of your best intentions and inept officers who simply cannot seem to get it right... that, plus the promise of NEVER removing a single miniature you worked hard to paint makes it all, I think, a winner!
I have to ask a HUGE favor of everyone, of course... I plan to use these rules at Fall In 2009. However, only I have reviewed them, so I desperately need some help giving them a look over!
So please... grab them, give them a read, and let me know if there are unclear parts or if there are weak parts or parts you like!
Thank you all SO much in advance... I appreciated all the feedback on Muskets and Moustaches, and I doubly appreciate help with a set of rules I plan to use with *gulp* other people!