Well, the start of the month was slow, as work was in a really rough patch. However, things are slowing down a bit before the holidays, so I thought I would post a few new photos!
Since it has been awhile, here is my Workbench... in this case, the sunroom table where I was painting. I am actually tackling my first 25mm AWI figures as a gift to my father in law for the holidays... he is a big AWI fan, and I though he would enjoy a little scene of some Connecticut troops defending a fence. I undercoated them white this time, with the idea of leaving the pants white, but now I somewhat regret it... white is an unforgiving undercoat! At least with black you don't really see any spots you missed in the deepest recesses of the figures.
Anyway... this is them, half done. Faces look a bit dark, and there is a lot left to do on them, but at least this way folks know what I am up to!
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