Over at Echoes of Glory there is a wargames room unlike any other being put together... the proprietor not only has some insane toy soldier collections, but has so many original weapons, uniforms, and accoutrements that it is truly a sight to behold... if you do not go RIGHT over there and give it a look, you will regret it... the wargames table is not yet in, so it is a perfect time to really get a look at all the amazing antiques!
So get over there and give it a look... and don't forget to scroll to a few of the more recent posts to see some insanely huge and beautiful 25mm ACW figures.
And check back in a few days and he'll even have the first shots of his table up... some amazing pieces of terrain that have been tucked away in closets for half a dozen years, all about to finally come out of hiding!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
More 10mm Nappy shots... here comes the cavalry!
This time it is of the end of the British line, where waves of French cavalry are charging home... the French are attempting to cross the small stream and sweep down the British lines, but the British have formed square, using the chateau to protect their flank. Will the redcoats hold off the French cuirassiers, dragoons, hussars, and the rest? Or will the cavalry break a square and slaughter their way down the line?! Who knows!
What is almost the most ridiculous about this is I have maybe twice as much French cavalry as shown, but I ran out of reasonable table space:)

Monday, July 13, 2009
The Battle of Aroldo Valley... the end is here!

Here is a link to a basic intro to the rules...
And then here is Part 1
Part 2
and Part 3!
Now on to the finale! So... when last we checked in on this peaceful valley in southern France, the two main lines were just about to crash into each other. The British, having hit both flanks and been turned back, redeployed and attacked the center, hoping to keep their flanks clear. However the French have not played along, and the Old Guard holding the chateau on the far flank have attacked, along with a brigade of cavalry, in an attempt to roll up the British line. Meanwhile in the center long waves of British and their allies have attacked... will they be able to punch through?!

But as the British soldiers cheered the French cavalry then crashed home, smashing into the columns of red.

And so! Victory for France! After losing the last two games, the French, though outnumbered, managed to fight off the British attack and hold the important Viscioux road that leads through the Aroldo valley and to Paris... victoire pour la France!!
Overall the game was VERY satisfiying. It had many different layers and levels, from the early stages where the cavalry clashed on one flank and the British attacked on the other, to the middle stage where the British redeployed almost their entire army, to the final stage, where the British attack crashed home... there were satisfying moments all along! There are still a few places I need to look at the rules... the skirmishing still needs a little work, and I am still trying to refine where being "elite" is figured into the equation... as of right now it is only in close combats and in determining whether a unit Stands!... but should it also figure into shooting? I am not sure!
So... that is that! Soon enough I'll play another game, and hopefully folks will enjoy it!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Beautiful 10mm Napoleonic photos

Whelp, I had an eight hour photo shoot this weekend of my toy soldiers, the majority of which was devoted to the 10mm Napoleonics. So, without further ado, a few shots from "The Shoot!" I'll put up more as time goes on over the next few weeks, so please do check back!
First up... some photos of French columns attacking a defending British line! There is a small stream to cross, but once they are across, look out!
And again, if you click on the photos and for some reason cannot make them fit the screen, try right-clicking and then "View image" Works for me!

Friday, July 10, 2009
Some nice hi-res shots of soldiers...

I got my hands on a very nice camera for a day long project, and once I finished it up I took a few shots of... what else? Toy soldiers! Too tired to write much now, but enjoy!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Battle of Aroldo Valley, Part 3

First, on the near flank a French cavalry brigade has been swept away as it got caught, encircled, and crushed by two British brigades. On the far flank a British attack stalled at the high walls of the chateau which were guarded by a brigade of Old Guard and pushed back, one British brigade being mauled but withdrawing in order and an Allied brigade being caught in the open by French cavalry and swept away. Now the French cavalry on that flank have paused and await another chance to sweep across the field. On the near flank the British still face a heavily dug in French brigade behind thick stone walls guarding the French flank... would it be possible to dig these Frenchmen out?
No. The British commander has decided on a new plan; namely, hit the center of the French line, where they have the least cover and really only a single brigade (albeit a brigade heavily supported by 3 batteries of artillery...) The British commander plans to leave behind one of the British brigades that was going to attack the chateau in square to cover the flank of the attack, linking up with the forest so the French cavalry that already swept away the Allied brigade will be unable to attack. All of the remaining British and Allied infantry would then be redeployed towards the center, with the cavalry hopefully keeping the French behind the stone walls from coming out to attack the flank of the British attack.

Tune in soon for the finale of the battle (which has to end because I need the table by Thursday for another project! :) )
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