Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ordered a copy of "X-Wing"!

Hey all!

I have to admit, all of the X-Wing talk has really got me going:)  I am, like anyone my age, a HUGE Star Wars fan.  When I was a kid, when I wasn't wanting to be Steven Spielberg I was wanting to be Harrison Ford.  In college I not only took a house course on Religion and Star Wars (it was either that or badminton... I needed half a credit) but I also made a Star Wars space combat game that we spent about a year playing, spread out on my future roommate's floor.

So when I saw this, I thought "How cool!"  The only problem?  I could never, EVER spend money on a game I would likely rarely play.

That is... until I heard they sold it at Barnes and Noble!

Now, for those who don't know, I am an elementary school teacher.  And if there is one thing elementary school teachers have in abundance, it is Barnes and Noble gift cards.  Now, I have actually never spent one of those cards on a non-school related thing.  Just this year I did a $700 shopping spree at B&N using gift cards for my classroom.

But I found two just a few days ago that I didn't know I had... sooooo... yeah.

So the game is on its way!  I am hoping to get a few more ships at some point and maybe play it with my old roommate when we see each other this summer!

Good times!


Greg Sapara said...

Welcome to the flock!

It's a lot of fun, and the minis really are nice to look at.

Barks said...

Yeah, what Greg said. Do yourself a favour and get at least two sets, it's the cheapest way to build up a decent wing.

afilter said...

Welcome...this is one of the few non-historical games I really enjoy. Although some one pointed out technically it is a historical game since it took place a long time ago in a galaxy far away. :-)

Author said...

Yeah, it is a really good looking game... and after years of wanting to make a Star Wars game, it really scratches that itch!

Matthew Scott said...

A fellow teacher! I feel compelled to let you in on a little secret if you haven't already figured it out: You know your Educator Discount card at Barnes and Noble? totally works on X-Wing minis! Seriously! (I legitimately use mine for "classroom use" since I run a D&D and X-Wing club after school, but I don't think they really care if they're for "classroom use" or not. So go crazy and save 20% every time! ;)

Author said...


Yes indeed, I did use my Educator Discount card:) Part of me justified it because I might indeed end up using these for an afterschool club... and part because I spent $500 bucks of my own money this year there for my classroom, and I felt that saving a couple of bucks was justified!:) Terrible, I know... but in a single income home, it takes whatever I can find:)

Thanks for the advice though, and enjoy the rest of the school year!:)