Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My buddy's pirates, and other eye candy!

Hey all!

Well, I stopped by my buddy's place, as he was starting in on a 28mm pirate table, and I thought I would take some photos!

Here is the first ship he has put out... he has maybe six or seven, but is waiting for more terrain to arrive before he puts anything else out there.

Someone hails the ship from the docks...

A conversation...

He made this out of some 3D printed stuff, carefully cutting open the giblet to get the skeleton in there.

Here are a few of the pirates... he hasn't put most of them out yet, as there are major changes coming, but we had to get a FEW photos!:)

Loved this island, and particularly the ground cover... more about this in a later post.

He has TWO skull islands on the table, because he is going a little fantasy, and this one, he hollowed out and put a flickering light into!

The table, from the other side.

While I was there, I figured I'd snap a few other photos... here is a box of old school 15mm Russians, some 40+ years old... some of the oldest in the collection.

Another selection of them.

25mm ACW Reb cav... that's a lot of horses!

Some Reb command.

Some 6mm Napoleonic troops.

Some WW2 Americans, ready to fight at Foy.

The American command.

The American army, summer and spring edition!

Another shot of them.

Some 25mm Vikings...

And one last shot of the room!

Hope the eye candy was worthwhile!:)


siggian said...

Very nice. Love the pirates board because it would encourage good fun and lots of "Arrr Mateys!"

Steve J. said...

Cracking games room, table and figures:)