Saturday, September 1, 2018

A "Blood and Plunder" crew!

Hey all!

Holy COW it's been a LONG long time since I posted anything!

Did Historicon with the new company, and then GenCon, and it was LUNACY... but I was so damn tired, that I hadn't posted in ages!

Anyway... I thought I finally would:)

Anyway... I picked up this English crew for Blood and Plunder some time ago, and really wanted to get some paint on them.  I tried to keep them a bit motley, but also with a solid feel of a uniform... I limited the palette a bit, to try to achieve that.

Unfortunately I had my undercoat get grainy, which screwed things up, and then TWICE my varnish went misty... so it's been a process, and you will see some discolorations and texture in some bits and pieces.  I recovered them best I could.

Here is my boarding crew, ready to fight!

Here are my musketeers.

And here is Captain Winters!


Simon said...

Nice crew, I use brush on varnish now. You do not seem to get the misting from aerosols. You can also control what you apply to the figure.

Scott MacPhee said...

They look great: nice and colorful, which is exactly what you need for pirates!

Ray Rousell said...

Very very nice!

Phil said...

Splendid and colorful crew!