Hey all!
Well, I finished up some more Romans for the son's collection (he has some on the workbench.)
This was a scorpion, from Warlord Games Hail Caesar line. I made the base out of two bases, and then used a drill to drill out the holes for the bases.
Here are the two guys. You might notice that I am using a slightly different flock mix... when I got my lockbox, I decided to start to step up my flock game. I've gotten a whole selection of flocks, and accident mixed a few, and I like how it looks! I think I'll probably do up a whole tub of a 28mm mix, with several longer grasses of several colors mixed in, to give it a bit of a more wild look, which is generally how battlefields should look!
Here is the scorpion in front of some Roman officers... I'll see if I can get some larger group shots, as the collection is coming together a bit.
Who ever would have guessed we'd have a Roman and Germanic collection in the House of War? Not I!:)